The Regiment has established a scholarship opportunity for the children, grandchildren or great grandchildren of former members of the 149th Armor Battalion.
This scholarship is being funded by a donation to the Regiment from the family of SSG Norman Rose, one of the Bataan Survivors and a longtime friend of the Regiment.
The 149th Armor “Remember the Road to Bataan”
Scholarship Sponsored by the 149th Armor Regiment
California Army National Guard
The 149th Armor Regiment’s official motto is
“Remember the Road to Bataan”.
This scholarship is dedicated as a lasting tribute to the citizen soldiers of Company C, 194th Tank Battalion who served, fought, died or endured Prisoner of War camps during service in defense of the Philippine Islands during the opening months of World War II.
In its ongoing commitment to social, intellectual and career advancement of youth who are descendants of members of the legacy organizations (below) the 149th Armor Regiment is sponsoring an annual program with a scholarship of $1,000.
This scholarship is intended to aid a qualified graduating high school senior, existing or returning college student or returning college student (master's degree), at a trade school, community college, college, university or master's program for advanced studies.
Primarily applicants must be a child, grandchild, great grandchild, great, great grandchild of the California Army National Guard soldier who served in one of the following units manifested in the ongoing presence of the California Army National Guard, California.
These legacy units are (in historical order):
Salinas Cavalry, California National Guard (CNG) 1895-1911
Company C Cavalry, First Squadron, (CNG) 1911-1917
Company B, 145th Machine Gun Battalion, 40th ID 1917-1918
40th Tank Company, 40th ID 1924-1940
Company C, 194th Tank Battalion 1940-1946
199th Tank Battalion 1946-1949
149th Armor Battalion, 49th Infantry Division 1949-1959
1st or 4th Battalion, 149th Armor Battalion, 40ID 1959-2008
Secondly, the applicant must provide suitable evidence of the ancestor's service in one of the iterations of the units listed and the
applicant’s line of descent from that soldier.
Thirdly, the completed student questionnaire, the required transcripts, verification of the soldier’s service and the applicant's relationship to the soldier must meet the deadline.
In order for a student to be considered for the scholarship, the following items must be completed and submitted to the 149th Armor Regiment’s Scholarship Committee: THE DEADLINE FOR
SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION is 5:00 pm 01 March annually.
1. Secure an application by visiting the Regimental website.
2. Complete and submit the STUDENT APPLICATION. Name must appear at the top of each page.
3. Request the counseling department at your school to send an official copy of your transcript to the Regimental Scholarship Committee at
4. In a separate document titled “MY VETERAN”, provide the name, rank and unit identification of the parent, grandparent, great grandparent, etc., who served in one of the legacy units of the Salinas California National Guard (see list above)! Describe what you know or what you have learned about his/her service.
5. Include any verification documents such as Department of Defense (DD) form 214 or NGB form 22 for Traditional Guardsman's (Certificate of release or discharge from Active Duty), award certificates or citations, or a copy of orders with inclusive dates of service.
Copies of photos may be included. If the service member is still living a personal interview is very appropriate. Please keep this narrative to approximately 1 page, 12 font double spaced.
6. As stated above this scholarship is intended to aid a qualified graduating high school senior. However, an existing college student or returning college student (masters degree), or an application at a trade school, community college, college, university or masters program for advanced studies is acceptable.
7. FORFEITURE. The 149th Armor Regiment (the sponsor) will issue the funds to the selected applicant upon receipt of evidence of enrollment in one of the institutions listed in paragraph 5. In the event the sponsor has not received enrollment evidence within 12 months of being awarded the scholarship, the scholarship will be considered forfeited and canceled.
8. All materials must be sent to:
149 Armor application
The next scheduled meeting will be
15 March 2025 1300 at the Bataan Conference Room, 140 Col. Durham Street, Seaside, CA 93955
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Topic: March Regimental meeting
Time: Mar 15, 2025 12:50 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Colonel Art Nichols, Regiment Commander -
Colonel Charles Newport, Adjutant
Regiment Sergeant Major
CSM Bruce Mehringer
Mrs. Connie Fields
Regimental Lead Historian
Membership/Web Master
SFC Michael McIntosh
Web Master
1SG Vern Snodderly -
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