149th ARMOR Regiment
Meeting Minutes of 18 January 2025
Members present: Art Nichols, Mike McIntosh, Bruce Mehringer, Richard Mayeda and Charles Newport. On Zoom: Justin Newport, Connie Fields and Daniel Baptista. Guest: SFC Tibble (S-1 shop, 340th BSB).
1. HCR Nichols called the meeting to order, conducted the Pledge. 1302 hrs.
2. The minutes of 21 September 2024 were read with minor correction and approved.
3. The agenda was approved with additions to #10.
4. Health and welfare: The passing of two members; SSG Bret Barker (Delta Co) and 1SG John Hanson (Alpha Co). McIntosh reported that Kent Jefferys is still located in Menlo Park (and has not relocated to Hawaii). Mehringer mentioned that Richard Hillbun, a former member of the 1-149 AR had passed as well.
5. Membership Report: McIntosh reported 85 Life members, 16 Annual members and 9 Honorary members. Total 110. One new member, LTC Robert Burdine.
6. Treasure’s Report: Mayeda reported $26.28 in Savings, $5,033.03 in Special Savings and $9,383.38 in Checking. Richad requested approval of reimbursing McIntosh $331.90 for rental van and fuel supporting our trip to the State Military Museum in November Approved
7. Feedback on the visit to the State Military Museum: Comments were generally not enthusiastic. Security requirements create limited access to the public. Emphasis has been on creating set displays outside (Artillery pieces, a M60A3 tank) of major equipment. Although this should be a priority it has slowed the indoor progress. Some suggestions were made as to we may be able to provide support.
8. Revision of Scholarship Program. Mehringer presented four forms that will be available on the 149tharmorregiment.com web site. A Gmail address has been set up where the electronically completed forms will be sent. The submitted applications will be due 01March and reviewed and selected prior to the March meeting. This revision has fewer forms and has been streamlined. The revisions were approved, and the applicant’s forms were placed on our website. Thanks to Bruce, Justin and Mike for finding ways to make this work.
9. The Invite. SFC Tribble announced that the 340th BSB will be holding a Dining -In on Saturday, 22 February 2025 at CSLO and was here to extend an invitation to a representative of the Regiment. There was noted some need for clarification. SFC Tibble will get back to us with clarifications.
10. Other items. Mehringer reported the Weekend “Shoot out/ Fishing” would be 25-27 Aprill. He would like to know who will be planning to attend.
11. For the good of the order. Art displayed samples of three new items available with the regimental icon incorporated. A watch cap, a coaster and “hot/cold” thermos. They will be on display the March meeting.
12. Adjournment 1358 hours; next meeting: 15 March 2025, Bataan Conference room.
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